martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

A country I would like to visit

Hello people, today I´m going to talk about the country I would to visit.

 I think there are many beautiful places in the world. And actually I would like to visit several of these places. On the other hand Personally I think that the most beautiful places are found in Latin America. Latin America is a place full off different cultures, the streets express this in their walls, in their music, in their art, in their colours. Therefore,  would like very much to first visit Chile and learn more about our culture and social and political identity and secondly I would like to know Machu Picchu and Brazil.

However, there is a country with which I dream to visit and stay a long time in it. This country is Cuba. But I don´t want lie up in Cuba, I want work in this country because I want to learn from people of this place, I want to learn to live to live outside the neoliberal system, I want to learn how a comunnity lives in a socialist system. I think Cuba is a beautiful, simple and courageous country because despite being small has given the fight against imperialism. Cuba is a place where "people are socially equal, humanly different and more free than in the past.


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