martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

My Opinion

What is your opinion about child labor?
I think the children don´t have to work because they have to enjoy their childhood and study in the school.
In the history of the human race for a lot of years the people powerful economically used to the children as slaves. These persons abused children and even don´t paid the work of children.
Now don´t exist the slavery but actually a lot of children have to start to work when they are very small because their economic situation made their to leave to study in the school and have to work. This is very sad, I think that the state has to guarantee the children rights and free, no sexist and quality education.

What is your opinion about violence on television?
I think that the television is a technological object that transformed to the people but this is negative because the people turn into idiot when to watch TV.
The television show to a frivolous word where women are objects, there are violence, the cash is the more important. The TV is violent and this feel me very angry. I think the television could be show things more important that helps to humanity

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
I think only marijuana could be legalized. Marijuana helps to relieve to pain of some illness, poe example: the cancer.
A lot of people use to marijuana as a natural medication and this is better than use to tablet.
On the other hand I think that smoke weed don´t is bad sometimes I think helps to relax in stress times.

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martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

Posgraduate studies

Hello guys! thyis week I'm going to talk about "Posgraduate studie" that I would like study.

Allright, Definitely, I think that I would like work in the cultural area of public administration. On the other blogs I have talken about my self interest in the art and culture. But in order to work in this area I need learn about this. If I want work in the cultural area of the public service I need to do a posgraduate studie.

I think the perfect posgaduate for me is "Posgraduate in Cultural Politics of comunnity basis". The leght of this posgraduate is nine months and it will develop on Argentina. The intention of this posgraduate is strengthen the professional training of public politics of culture and the concept of "live culture" as a public politic.

Also I think is very interesting this posgraduate because it have a share of gender. At least 50% of the people selected must be women.

Many people believe that culture isn´t the best area to work but I think it´s the area of public administration that accomodates me and that is often invisible and dismissed.

I also believe that I choose this psdtgraduate course because it is within Latin América and I would really like to work within Latin America because it is my place of origein and I have a very strong affection and feeling for the people and places in this part of the planet.

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miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

My future Job

I think I would like to work in a job where I can change the culture of the society. In fact, I'm studying Public Administration for this reason.

In the Area of Public Administration, I would like to work in a public service related to arts and culture because I have always been very attached to art (music, painting, dance). And the other hand, I think everything is culture. Everyone today is influenced by a type of dominant culture: the neoliberal culture. But outside of this culture that encourages individualism and inequality, there are diverse cultures that have been made invisible and I would like to work so that this cultures can express themselves and not be repressed or made invisible.

When I was a child I had the dream of being a musician. I love to learn to play musical instruments and listen to the musicians on the streets also I like listen to my father when he plays the guitar and sings. But I decided not to study music, because art is not a well-paid job and unfortunately in my socioeconomic conditions I could not study this career. I know that in this country there are many children who would like to study music and can´t do it because this career is expensive and not economical. I think this was another reason why I'm studying Public Administration. I would like to work on cultural and artistic public policies that are accessible to vulnerable people because it isn´t fair that art is only accessible to a few people.

Resultado de imagen para cultura y arte chileno

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Someone I would like to meet

Hello people, this week I will talk about someone I would like to meet.

Well, I think that I would like to meet to a lot of persons but most of them are dead. Among them are : Violeta Parra, Luis Emilio Recabarren, Salvador Allende, Elena Caffarena, Amanda Labarca, Gladys Marín, Max Berrú, Eduardo “Gato” Alquinta and persons of other countries like: Fidel Castro, Alecsandra Kollontai, Lenin, Karl Marx. Actually I would like to meet many persons but they are dead :c

Furtheremore I would also like to meet persons that are alive. Among them is Pascuala Ilabaca.
Pascuala Ilabaca is a Chilean singer and composer and I admire her because I´m a musician and her music is beautiful. Pascuala plays accordion and piano and she has a particular pitch of voice. She was born in Gerona, España in 1987 and now she lives in Valparaiso. She is daughter of artist, her father is a painter and her mother is a “vitralista”. Her work of art is “modern composition” with components of the Chilean folklore.

I think Pascuala is a great woman because the industry of music is a male chauvinist where women are pushed into the background and she has been successful in this industry. When she studied music in Pontificia Universidad Católica she was the only woman in this career!!
I think the work of women in a male chauvinist world (like music, like literature, like the sciencie, etc) is amazing and worth of admiration.

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miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

My favorite movie

Hello everyone, this week I will talk about an interesting topic: My favorite movie!!!!

Well, I think that it´s difficult to choose only one movie because I like a lot of movies. But between the movies that I´ve seen, "Lalaland" and "The Help" are the most beautiful movies. If I have to choose between this movies, I would choose "The Help" because "Lalaland" is a beautiful love history with a great cast and with a great soundtrack but "The Help" tells the history of black women's of Mississippi. 

The actresses of "The help" are: Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Jessica Chastain, Allison Janney.

Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan (Emma Stone) is a young woman newly gone away from the university who returns his natal people, Jackson, determined to turn into a journalist. She gets work as manager of the section of "Home" in the local diary, She begins to write a book detailing the living conditions of the black servitude, based on personal testimonies of the domestic workers of the people.

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martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

The best concert ever

It’s me again, this time I´m going to talk about my experience in a concert.

Well, I´ve never been in a big concert in fact I´ve never paid too much to see an artist. I´ve only been in free concerts. I think the biggest concert where I´ve been is the anniversary of Los Jaivas. This event was last week and it was free. The Jaivas celebrated their 55th anniversary the day 17th of October of this year. It was a beautiful concert, The Jaivas invited many gifted artist. I remember that a band of kids opened the musical show, later the Jaivas played La Alturas De Machipichu this work of art is a Poetic work of Pablo Neruda and I enjoyed this music a lot.

When I was a child I dreamed about listening and seeing live and direct to The Jaivas because I think The Jaivas is the best band of every time of Chile. This band is like a Pink Floyd of Latin America they were the first musicians that used the electric guitar of folkloric music of Latin America. Despite from the fact that two members of band died and the political speech is not the same The Jaivas even today continue being a great band.

                             Resultado de imagen para los jaivas

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

A country I would like to visit

Hello people, today I´m going to talk about the country I would to visit.

 I think there are many beautiful places in the world. And actually I would like to visit several of these places. On the other hand Personally I think that the most beautiful places are found in Latin America. Latin America is a place full off different cultures, the streets express this in their walls, in their music, in their art, in their colours. Therefore,  would like very much to first visit Chile and learn more about our culture and social and political identity and secondly I would like to know Machu Picchu and Brazil.

However, there is a country with which I dream to visit and stay a long time in it. This country is Cuba. But I don´t want lie up in Cuba, I want work in this country because I want to learn from people of this place, I want to learn to live to live outside the neoliberal system, I want to learn how a comunnity lives in a socialist system. I think Cuba is a beautiful, simple and courageous country because despite being small has given the fight against imperialism. Cuba is a place where "people are socially equal, humanly different and more free than in the past.


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My Opinion

What is your opinion about child labor? I think the children don´t have to work because they have to enjoy their childhood and study in ...